Coulson-Thomas Publications


Making it easy for average performers to adopt winning behaviours
By Colin Coulson-Thomas


In many sectors competing companies offer similar products and services, and use the same or equivalent technologies, processes and systems. They recruit similar people, employ the services of the same or similar consultants, and they invariably fall for the same management fashions and fads. Yet people in some companies are so much more effective than others who undertake similar tasks in equivalent circumstances. Why is this? What do the high performers do differently?

The Winning Companies: Winning People research programme examines how people operate in important areas such as building relationships, bidding, pricing, purchasing and creating and exploiting know-how. Over 4,000 organisations have participated in the investigation led by Prof. Coulson-Thomas. Because most success factors are attitudinal and behavioural, investigating teams can distinguish the approaches of high performers or winners from the practices of low achieving losers. The results will be summarised in a new handbook ‘Winning Companies: Winning People’.


Setting the scene; Understanding the business and market environment; Visioning; Creating a winning board; Providing Strategic Direction; Corporate Governance; Differentiation; Winning competitive bids; Pricing for profit; Building relationships with customers; Collaboration and partnering; Managing supply chain relationships; Leading and managing change; Corporate transformation; Corporate communications; Going global; New ways of working; Managing the virtual organisation; Creating the entrepreneurial culture; Working with entrepreneurs and larger companies; The knowledge entrepreneur; Exploiting corporate know-how; Corporate learning; Integrating learning and working; IT and e-business; Improving work group productivity; Launching new products; Working with consultants; Using management methodologies, tools and techniques; Creating a competitive company; and Achieving commercial success and personal fulfillment.

‘Winning Companies: Winning People’ provides a compendium of the differing approaches of winners and losers for those with ambitions to build successful businesses and achieve their full potential. It contains various checklists and guidance on how to enable ordinary performers to emulate the approaches of high achievers.

About the Author

Dr Colin Coulson-Thomas is an experienced chairman of award winning companies and active international business consultant. He has worked with over 100 boards to help them develop their businesses, reviewed the processes and practices for winning business of over 100 companies and has led major national and international change and transformation projects. He leads one of the world’s largest winning business research and best practice programmes, and has contributed to over 200 major conferences and corporate events in over 30 countries.

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