13 revealing case studies
Developing a Corporate Learning Strategy is rich in relevant case studies. To help you learn from the experience of other organisations, each case study is fronted by key lessons so you apply relevant findings in your own organisation.
Centrica: how achieving fundamental change needs a “holistic” approach. Learning and knowledge creation initiatives must address customer satisfaction as well as employees’ needs.
Xerox Corporation: how learning feedback loops should be built into business and management processes. Internal reports and presentations should show trends, root causes of problems and provide comparative data to help under-performing teams to learn.
Business Development Forum: how shared learning from peers in other companies can be more effective than internal programmes. A learning network captures new trends more quickly than formal training courses.
British Airways: how the working environment can encourage and enable — or frustrate — informal staff contacts and learning. Individuals and teams should have freedom to work at locations which harness their talents and help them deliver value.
Johnson & Johnson: why learning, innovation and creativity should be among an organisation’s core values. Learning vision and culture should embrace employees, business partners and the value chain.
NHS Executive: how there is no point capturing out-of-date information that’s not used to create value. People must be helped to capture, share and use knowledge and understanding.
Andersen Consulting: how learning should address the development needs of external as well as internal groups. And how it can be focused on an organisation’s strategic direction and intent.
IBM: customer education can form an integral element of customer service and become a business opportunity in its own right. And why business partner support is essential in sharpening up competitive performance.
ABUITSS: how this European Commission-funded network develops shared high-level learning opportunities for chief executives and board members. Board level sessions need to have a distinct directorial perspective.
ICL: how vendor accreditation programmes help maintain standards, build relationships and encourage knowledge and experience sharing. If know-how represents a large part of value delivered to customers, there should be systems to support its delivery.
Glaxo Wellcome: how innovation and creativity in developing new products is a critical business process. Long-term learning and development is a significant determinant of shareholder value
Barclays Bank: managing distance learning effectively involves monitoring the results of the activity. Optimum use of resources means tracking who’s doing what — and the results achieved.
Rover Group: how learning is a key process in its own right for individuals, teams and the company as a whole. Shared learning is a vital ingredient for achieving business excellence.